Latest News
2025 Milang Open F5J International
The 2025 Milang Open F5J International is being held early May rather than its usual mid-March time slot.
This will allow our F5J Australian Team members and helpers to return and recover from the World F5J Championships in Argentina.
Download the entry form (150KB .pdf)
Event details here:
2026 F3J World Champs Selection Trial
With the likelihood of Switzerland hosting the 2026 F3J World Championships, LSF Australia Executive have earmarked Jerilderie, specifically Friday 6th June as the team-trial event to determine the team to represent Australia.
Team aspirants are encouraged to mark this in their competition calendar.
2024 Armidale is over
Report: Phil Stevenson
Download the event report. PDF (200Kb)
2024 Jerilderie is over
Report: Mike O'Reilly
The 45th League of Silent Flight Australia Tournament was held over the King's Birthday weekend in Jerilderie NSW.
33 pilots from WA, SA, Victoria and NSW attended. Pilots competed in Australian Open Thermal class with winch launched gliders to complete a 10 minute flight in a 12 minute working time, and in F5J electric glider.
The Jerilderie Racecourse was in perfect condition thanks to the preparations of the Murrumbidgee Council, and the weather was as good as you could hope for in winter. Cool mornings but then light winds, sunshine and high temps around 16-18C.
We lost some time on Monday morning due to low fog, but still managed to fly 10 rounds of Open Thermal and 12 rounds of F5J. 22 rounds flown is close to an all-time record for Jerilderie, thanks to the great organising by the Committee and CD Robert Gunn.
The flying standard was very high in both classes and the results went down to the last few flights of the weekend.
For detailed results, see Glider Score
- Jamie Cannon NSW
- Nick Chabrel SA
- Marcus Stent Vic
Open Thermal
- Andrew Meyer SA
- Brad Merryweather SA
- Bjorn Rudgely NSW
Overall Grand Champion
Andrew Meyer SA
Jerilderie 2025
Jerilderie #46 will be held from Friday 6th June to Monday 9th June 2025. Friday 6th will be Open Thermal (or F3J) or for non winch people, there will be an informal e-RES event, and Saturday and Sunday will see heats of F5J flown, with fly-offs for all pilots on Monday morning 9th June. Book your leave, think about accommodation and start practising for what will be a big event 😊 The Jerilderie Racecourse will be the place to be.
Nick, Jamie, Marcus
Bjorn, Andrew, Brad
LSF Aus Executive reports for 2023/24
President's Report (.pdf, 31Kb)
Secretary's Report (.pdf, 17Kb)
LSF Aus Financial Statement (.pdf, 33Kb)
F5B Team Trial
F5B World Champs
Aus. F5B World Champs Team Selection event for the World Champs. later this year.
Location: Cootamundra - ANSW State Field, 19-21 April.
Friday will be practice, Saturday and Sunday will be competition days. everyone is welcome, whether they are aspirants or otherwise.
For more information, contact Brett on 0410 502 613.
Fo more info. on the event, Event Info
For more info. on F5B AUSTRALIA, check out their Facebook Page
2024 Jerilderie Scale Easter | Fri. March 29th - Mon. April 1st
Join your host, Jim Houdalakis, at Jerilderie Racecourse NSW, for arguably the biggest scale glider event in Australia.
If you have any interest in scale gliding, Jerilderie is the place to be. In 2023 we had great turnout and expect another great weekend this year. We have several 120cc and 150cc+ tugs lined up for the larger gliders.
Download the Pilot Registration form (135KB, PDF)
For more details, Jim Houdalakis :
Open F5J International and GPS Racing
Milang, South Australia
Entries close Fri. March 1st
Friday 9th to Monday 11th
This event is proposed as the first of three Australian Team Selection Trials (conducted on behalf of AEFA/MAAA) to choose our team for the 2025 F5J World Championships (subject to MAAA approval).
GPS Racing
Tuesday 12th to Friday 15th.
If you like to race big fast gliders in big fast air, join your host, John Copeland, at Milang for
four days of exhilarating soaring. Sports Class and Light Class.
For event details, see the SSL website or Facebook Group
SSL website SSL FacebookAustralian F3J Team Trial | 2nd / 3rd Dec. 2023 | Milang
Sixteen rounds of challenging conditions saw Nick Chabrel, Carl Strautins, Beth Loveday and Andrew Meyer qualify to represent Australia at the 2024 World Championships in Norway.
Note: Beth is our first Australian female pilot to represent Aus. at an F3J World Champs.
A special thanks to the Southern Soaring League for providing the venue and facilities for the weekend.
Cheers, Rod Watkins.
2024 Sailplane Expo. | Fri 26-Sun 28th Jan.
Join Hutton Oddy at the 44th running of Sailplane Expo. in beautiful Armidale NSW, for a weekend of high-end F5J and eRes competition.
Teams of 2 are expected to fly 3 or 4 heats per round. For competition rules for F5J and eRes, see entry form.
Camping with facilities on the field is welcomed.
Grab an entry form (.xls, 182Kb).
Entries close Jan. 20th
For further details: Hutton or 0425285758
Vale Graham Norman

It is with great sadness we announce that long time RC glider pilot and friend to many in the LSF Aus., Graham Norman, passed away in early August 2023.
Graham was a gentle soul, a keen competition pilot and was always free with his assistance and friendship. He will be missed.
LSF Exec.
2023 F5J World Championships | 13-19th August | Dupnista, Bulgaria
Stay up to date with all the latest from Dupnista where Australian pilots, Marcus Stent, Nic Chabrel and Andrew Meyer supported by Team Manager Ladislav Safarik lock horns with the world's best F5J pilots.
Gerry Carter's Gliderscore, in addition to being the primary scoring system for the event also dispenses current results via the Glidcerscore website:
Official FAI endorsed site for the event:
Australian F5J Team Facebook
2023 F3B Glider World Championship
Team Australia represented at the "Formula One" of competitive RC gliding at the 2023 World F3B Champs in Denmark. John Skinner, Stuart Hamilton & Gavin Tilson were ably supported by son Josh Tilson and hired help Thomas Merzhauser and team organiser Tim Kullack back in WA. The team enjoyed tough air, tough competition and received a warm welcome from the locals.
Read Stuart's report here on the MAAA website.
2023 | Fifth Annual F5J Trophy | West Wyalong NSW | 10-12th Nov.
Open, 3m and 2m classes, entries close Sun. 5th Nov.
Grab the flyer (107Kb .pdf)
Grab the entry form (371Kb, .xls)
2023 LSF Aus AGM | June 11th
One significant outcome from the meeting included a change of executive personnel.
Kudos to the outgoing executive for their fortitude, resolve and competence as they dealt with the COVID pandemic
The new LSF Aus Exec. comprises:
Nicholas Chabrel - President
Rodney Watkins - Treasurer
Philip Stevenson - Secretary
Jim Houdalakis - Executive Officer
Ladislav Safarik - LSF Levels Registrar
Darrel Blow - Committee Member
Chris Adams - Web Master
Robert Gunn - Contest Director
Donwload the minutes (170KB
Jerilderie 2023 is over.
The 44th instalment of Australia's finest Winter thermal competition featured F5J, Open Thermal and F5L categories. Conditions were typically challenging; fine weather on Saturday and Sunday followed by a sobering Winter blast on Monday.
Congratulations to all pilots. Full scores available at GliderScore:
26 pilots, 6 rounds :
- Joe Wurts
- Marcus Stent
- Kevin Botherway
- John Shaw
- Phil Stevenson
35 pilots, 7 rounds :
- Joe Wurts
- Kevin Botherway
- Andrew Meyer
- Marcus Stent
- Michael O'Reilly
Open Thermal
27 pilots, 6 rounds :
- Nick Chabrel
- Joe Wurts
- Matt Lowe
- Carl Strautins
- John Shaw
Report | 2023 | Midway Cup | Horsham Vic.
Punishing late Autumn conditions made for a memorable F5J (powered thermal gliders) event.
Congrats to :
1st Mike O'Reilly
2nd Dan Haskell
3rd Theo Arvanitakis
Download the event report inc. photos (4.3MB .pdf)
2023 LSF Newsletter #1
A compilation of info. for gliding events in 2023.
Download (pdf 60KB)

SSL 50th Anniversary | 2023 March 11 - 19 | Report
SSL is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year and one of the main events was earlier this month.
SSL held an F5J electric glider event which drew 43 competitors from all Australian states, New Zealand and Germany.
We also held a GPS Triangle Race for Light and Sports Class which drew 18 entries, and a Scale Glider Rally where 15 pilots flew.

With financial assistance from the MAAA, LSF Australia and MASA, we were able to bring a guest speaker and pilot from Germany. Phillip Kolb, a leading model glider designer and former World and European Champion spent 10 days at Milang during which time he flew in 3 events, gave 3 evening PowerPoint presentations and 8 on-field talks as part of the GPS Training Camp.

The F5J event was also a World Championship team selection trial to select the team to attend this years WC to be held in Bulgaria in August.
SSL ran this trial of 16 qualifying rounds with assistance from LSF, on behalf of AEFA.
M. O'Reilly
Philip Kolb visits Brisbane
As part of the MAAA, LSF supported visit by an international guest, Phillip flew to Brisbane from Adelaide and was hosted by the Moreton Region Sports Soaring Association. Thanks to Brian Ford, Evan Bengtson, David Vels and the club.

The Wednesday evening presentation was excellent and there was a healthy level of engagement from the floor. Philip's delivery method and explanation went down really well and I think a lot of the attendees benefited from the model setup discussion. The GPS triangle overview also laid a good foundation for what would follow on Saturday.
Friday's demonstration at SAAMBA required a change in location from the Burpengary to Griffin field due to the local council closing the field for 24hrs for mosquito spraying, but this was sorted the evening before and all went ahead.

Philip provided a good run-through of the model and the concept of GPS triangle racing. SAAMBA members are predominantly sports flyers with higher interests in IMAC, F3A, Turbine and Warbirds so the performance of Philips glider was extremely surprising to them. There were around 15 members present with 2 younger pilots very interested.
Saturday at MRSSA’s Munbilla field commenced with a more in-depth discussion on GPS triangle racing, the equipment, the classes, the models and the scoring. This was followed by the GPS light class demonstration with a healthy level of interest. The F5J event then commenced and we completed 6 rounds by the end of the day. Conditions were generally pretty good with light winds and good thermal activity which became fairly blustery in the afternoon along with very challenging conditions. Philip demonstrated the GPS sports class during the lunch break and also after the end of the competition. The Paradigm is an impressive model. Sunday was a picture postcard day with near on perfect thermal soaring conditions and a further 6 rounds of F5J were flown.

Results saw Philip Kolb 1st, Evan Bengtson 2nd and Scott Johnston 3rd.
M. O'Reilly
2022 Jerilderie is Over
Challenging conditions thanks to a fresh Sou-Wester Arctic blast which ran out of puff on Monday.
Congrats to the following pilots:
- Kevin Botherway
- Nic Chabrel
- Theo Arvanitakis
- Rod Watkins
- David Griffin
Open Thermal
- Nic Chabrel
- David Pratley
- Scott Lennon
- Chris Barrenger
- Matt Lowe
- Marcus Stent
- Paul Moorfield
- Daniel Haskell
- Klaus Metzger
- Scott Lennon
All results :
or here:
(thanks Rob Gunn).
Note: Chris Barrenger's radio was found. Chris would like to thank everyone for their concern, especially Brad Merryweather and David Pratley who helped him out with motor batteries and Marcus Stent who kindly lent him his backup vtail OZ eRes2 to fly the last two rounds with. "A fantastic model that came with a guaranteed 5 minutes flight both times."
Credit to Gerry Carter (Vic) for designing, creating & producing Gliderscore, the application used globally across all categories of RC gliding to score, record and report competition results.
Gliderscore for more info on this remarkable asset.
2022 LSF Aus AGM minutes
Download the minutes from the 2022 AGM (.pdf 287Kb)
2022 Jerilderie #43 | Sat. 11th - Mon. 13th June
Shake off the COVID blues and dust off your gliders for Australia's premiere thermal gliding competition.
Open Thermal, F5J and eRes (2m).
Open Thermal Draw (200Kb .pdf)
Open Thermal QR Score Sheets (9.6Mb .pdf)
F5J QR Score Sheets (15.3MB .pdf)
Teams Lanes (113Kb .pdf) (updated 7.6.22)
List of event-approved Alitmeter, motor, run timer devices (AMRT) (154Kb .pdf)
Entries close Fri. June 3rd.
Download the entry form (.docx, 290kb)
Download pilot information (pdf, 430kb)
2022 Feb | LSF Aus Newsletter
Download the newsletter (.pdf 140KB)
Australian F3F 2022 World Championship Team Trial | 21st-22nd May 2022
Albany, Western Australia
Entries close Friday 6th May. Entry is free.
Should conditions not be favourable, reserve date is 18th / 19th June 2022.
Albany is a 4.5 hour car ride from Perth or Sky West Airlines fly there daily from Perth.
For more details contact Tim Kullack
2022 42nd Armidale Sailplane Expo (Jan 14th) is over.
Report to follow.
2021 Jerilderie Cancelled
Fellow Soaring enthusiasts
Covid-19 has not been kind to us this year. We set our expectations high that 2021 would be better than 2020 but all of the dates we set for Jerilderie have been impacted.
As an inclusive organisation, the tournament should provide an opportunity for all to attend without restriction or quarantine and right now, that is not possible. The latest border restrictions mean that for most competitors in states outside NSW and Victoria it will be unlikely that it will be easily possible to attend Jerilderie. The inability to return home, or 14 days in quarantine, would make a trip to Jerilderie very challenging.
So, with regret, we have no choice but to cancel Jerilderie 2021 and start planning for 2022.
We hope that you are able to fly locally at club level and can keep working on those skills and fine tuning your models as the competition will be hot at Jerilderie in June 2022!
Note that any entry fees paid will be carried over to next year, but if you would like a refund, please contact the LSF Treasurer, Gerry Carter with your bank details.
And if you are like us, and missing the camaraderie and competition that is Jerilderie, then why not look back over the old scores from a time when you were younger, and probably wore pants a size or two smaller. You can check these out at Gliderscore by scrolling back through time or on the LSF Australia website
LSF Australia Committee
2021 Wentworth | F5J, Open Thermal | Oct. 2-4
With the current state of COVID19 enforced lockdowns across Australia it is highly unlikely that we will be in a position to hold the event.
I am unfortunately officially cancelling Wentworth for 2021. Let's hope this is over soon.
For further details contact organiser: Darrel Blow 0400 570 814
LSF Aus AGM Minutes | 2021 Aug. 29th
Download the minutes here
(.pdf 280Kb)
2021 Jerilderie 3rd Postponement
Jerilderie 2021 moved to Nov. 27,28 & 29
It is with regret that the LSF Committee has decided to once again postpone the Jerilderie event re-scheduled for September 4/5/6 to November 27/28/29.
With the Sydney lockdown now extended to at least 28 August 2021 and Jerilderie due to start on 4th September 2021 we feel we have no choice but to postpone the event and provide you with as much notice as possible.
The Murrumbidgee Council has confirmed that the racecourse is available to us on the weekend of November 27/28/29 so we have decided to move the event to those dates. As with the previous dates, we recognise that it is not a long weekend, but we hope that you will be able to make arrangements to attend, given the long lead time.
Entry fees already paid will be carried over to the new dates. However, any pilot who seeks a refund should email bank details to Gerry Carter ( and a full refund will be made promptly.
We will extend the closing date for the re-scheduled event to Friday November 19 in the hope of getting more entries.
We are optimistic that by November with an increased vaccination rate, we will be in a much better Covid position than we are currently experiencing.
We look forward to enjoying a fantastic 2021 LSF Tournament in November. Just think, no boots, puffer jackets or (hopefully) wet weather gear. 😅
LSF Australia Committee
P.S. Don't forget that the Wentworth 2021 Open event is happening on 2/3/4 October with F5J and Open Thermal events scheduled.
Pilot Information (includes no-fly-zones, event procedure and award categories)
Pilot Information (.pdf)
Note: For attendees looking to book accomodation at The Colony Inn Jerilderie, bookings
are by phone only.
(03) 5886-1220. Ask for Jodie or Fergus and mention that you are there for the LSF Tournament.
2021 Jerilderie Events | Easter Scale Rally | Jerilderie Thermal
2021 Milang F5J Open International | Sat. 6 - Mon. 8th March
Congrats to:
Andrew Meyer 1st
Jim Houdalakis 2nd
Mike O'Reilly 3rd
2021 Jerilderie Scale Rally | 2nd-5th April
Don't miss one of the biggest scale glider meets in Australia.
Download the flyer (150Kb .pdf)
More details: Jim Houdalakis
LSF Aus AGM Minutes
Members from across Australia came together on June 7 for what was the first online AGM in LSF Aus history.
Download the minutes (.pdf 500KB). Minutes compiled courtesy Dan Haskell.
2020 Annual General Meeting | June 7th.
The LSF Aus. AGM is Sun. June 7th at 7:00pm AEST.
It will be conducted via video conference, using Zoom
A link to the meeting will be emailed to members 24 hours before the meeting.
For details, download the AGM Notice (MS Word)
For details regarding the current MAAA and CIAM positions on the impact of COVID19 on our sport/hobby, download the communique from both Tyson Dodd (MAAA Pres.) and Antonis Papadopoulos (CIAM Pres.)
Jerilderie June 2020 is Cancelled.
The LSF Aus. Committee has made the decision to cancel the Jerilderie Tournament for June 2020 in light of the global COV19 pandemic.
We believe that this decision may well save lives, perhaps yours.
AGM Agenda
In addition to the fixed Agenda Items items per our governing rules, if you have a motion for the meeting,
please forward it to
Note: Please add supporting information with your motion.
Your motion will be included in the Agenda that is sent out with the Notice of Meeting. The last date for your submissions is Friday, 15 May 2020.
Gerry Carter, LSF Aus. President
Att : 2020 Jerilderie Scale Aerotow [cancelled]
For details: Jim Houdalikis
2020 F5J Open International | Milang South Australia | March 7,8 & 9
Entry Form (pdf)
Event Flyer (pdf)
Entries close Fri. Feb. 28th

F3B WC Australian Team Trial & WA F3B Open | May 9,10,11 2020
WA has been approved to run the trial to select the 2021 Aus. F3B WC team. The F3B WC will be held in Denmark (Europe) August 2021.
Location: Clackline field, Western Australia.
Contest Director: Don Testor
Contest Organizer: Tim Kullack
Clackline is located approximately 80 km from Perth Airport,17 km from Northam with both having ample accommodation. For further information and entry forms contact Tim Kullack
2020 Armidale Sailplane Expo Jan. 25-27
New England Model Aircraft Club and the Sailplane Expo Trust invite you to beautiful Armidale NSW on the New England Tablelands for the 40th Sailplane Expo.
F5J and Nostalgia. Download the entry form (.xls) and event brochure (.pdf)
Get your entry in before Jan. 17th.
2020 F3F Australian Team Trial is over !
Report Stuart Hamilton
Congrats to:
1st - Don Tester - 13616.43
2nd - Andrew Muller - 13309.77
3rd - Stuart Hamilton – 13229.96
Full report with photos (.docx, 1MB)
2019 LSF Aus. Survey Results
President's Report
2019 F5J World Championships Trvana, Slovakia
Track the
Australian Team of Marcus, Jim and Andrew and Les (TM) on GliderScore:
Thanks Gerry C.
2020 Armidale Sailplane Expo Survey
The Arnidale Sailplane Expo turns 40 this January 25-27, 2020.
To get the most from this significant occasion, we are asking for your feedback as to what events we should include. Please download the survey (MS Word, 15KB), respond to the questions and return it to event organiser, Hutton Oddy before Sept. 2019.
2019 LSF Aus. Member Survey
To assist the LSF Aus. Exec. in planning for Jerilderie 2020, please fill in the attached form (MS Word, 112KB) and return to the secretary:
For those members without access to MS Word or equivalent, grab the PDF instead.
Jerilderie 2019 is over, congrats to:
Open Thermal
- Nic Chabrel
- Matt Lowe
- Matt Wood
- Joe Wurts
- Marcus Stent
- Kevin Botherway
- Joe Wurts
- Marcus Stent
- Dave Milward
Terry Lovett
Jerilderie 2019 Results (.zip)
Austour 2018-19 Final Placings:

After five Open Thermal events around Australia; Jerilderie, Horsham, Armidale, Milang and Wentworth the top 3 out of 65 pilots are:
- Nick Chabrel
- Jim Houdalakis
- Mike O'Reilly
Austour Cliffhanger
Following results from the
Model Flight Midway Cup held at Horsham recently and with only the Jerilderie remaining, it is tight at
the top.
Additionally with several competitors missing a third score, Jerilderie looks like it will be the
Download the full list here (.pdf)
Jerilderie 2019 | June 7th- 10th
Join the fun at arguably the World's best Winter Thermal Competition.
Entries for Jerilderie 2019 are now open. Download the entry form (170KB .doc)
Event Documents (.pdf)
Bulletin #2 : Pilot List (.pdf)
Bulletin #1 : Pilot List (.pdf)
Entries close May 31st.
Download Pilot info. (90KB .pdf)
Past Jerilderie Results 2009-2018
Curated for your convenience, download from the resources page (thanks Gerry Carter).
From the President
Notes on World Champs Trials, Easter Scale Rally, Jerilderie 2019, FXJ Milang, Midway Cup. Download (.pdf)
Jerilderie is now Electric and Open Thermal. Download the Tournament Operations Guide; Download (.pdf)
2019 Armidale F5J and F3J | reports and results
Thanks David Leitch and Jim Houdalakis.
Download the report (pdf)
Download the scores (2MB .zip)
Jerilderie Easter Scale Glider Rally 2019
The annual Scale Glider Rally will be held at the Jerilderie Racecourse over Easter 2019 under the auspices of LSF Australia. This is one of the biggest scale glider events on the Australian calendar so if you have any interest in scale gliding, Jerilderie is the place to be from April 19-22.
CASA has been notified that Jim Houdalakis is the designated Safety Officer and he will be looking for support from experienced modellers to help manage the flight line.
There is no registration fee this year, and you must be a MAAA member to fly at this event.
Grab a registration form .pdf or MS Word
Contact: Jim Houdalakis
Australian Team Trials | F3B, F3K & F5J for 2019 World Champs
F5J - Electric Glider After 4 events flow at Milang, Jerilderie, Cootamundra (see protest decision here, .pdf) and Armidale, the best 3 scores counted and the results are as follows:
- Andrew Meyer
- Jim Houdalakis
- Marcus Stent
F3B - Multitask
Glider A single trial was run over the Australia Day weekend in Tasmania.
- Tim Kullack
- John Skinner
F3K - Hand Launch Glider
- Andrew Meyer
- Clive Warman
- Marcus Stent
FXJ Australia, Milang, South Australia, 8th-11th March 2019
Join the Southern Soaring League for 4 days of high-level glider competition. F3J, F5J and F3K.
Location: SSL Park, 9 Mile Road, Milang, South Australia GPS: S 35° 22.004’ E 138° 56.609
- Friday 8 March 10-5pm F5J
- Saturday 9 March 8:30am-11am F3K 11:30am-5pm F5J
- Sunday 10 March 9am-5pm F3J
- Monday 11 March 9am-2:30pm F3J
Grab an entry form (MS Word) or PDF
Entries close Fri 1st March.
2018 Tasmanian Open Thermal Champs. is over.
Sixteen rounds of high-calibre flying saw Greg Potter (Pike Perfections) edge-out Jan Schilling (Satori V) and John Skinner (Avatar F3B).
Download the scores (.zip, .xlsx).
F5J Team Trial Progressive Results
Results after three of four rounds.
Download the entire pilot ladder (.pdf, 31KB)
2018 Tasmanian Open
Thermal Champs. 17th/18th Nov.
Valleyfield (ex WW2 airfield), Epping Forest, Tas.
Entries close 12th Nov.
Further details: Stephen Boag
2018 F3F World Champs | Rugen, Germany 7th - 13th Oct. is over.
Overall standings on F3XVault.
- Phillip Stary Austria
- Lukas Gaubatz Austria
- Thorsten Folkers Germany
Team Australia
51 Paul Marshall
52 Don Tester
58 Garry Adams
The Australian F3F team of Paul Marshall, Don Tester, Gary Adams, Simon Watts (TM) and BrianMitchell (Helper) flew the flag. Follow their progress via Livestream: or read the event commentary on RC Groups thanks Paul Marshall.
2018 Wentworth Open Thermal | October 13th / 14th is over.
Congrats to
- Nick Chabrel
- Mike O'Reilly
- Jim Houdalakis
Download the scores (.zip)
This event is the first of five that make up Austour; Wentworth, Armidale, Milang, Horsham & Jerilderie.
2018 F5J Trophy #3 | Cootamundra NSW Nov. 3rd / 4th
- 3rd-4th November (entries close 27th Oct.)
- Part of the team selection trial for the 2019 F5J World Championship
- Grab an entry form (.xlsx) or pdf format
- Grab detailed event information (MS Word)
- Grab the event flyer (.pdf)
More details from Trevor Smith:
2018 West Wyalong | LSF Achievements Weekend 23-26 Nov.
If you are already a member of the LSF or would like to learn more about its objectives and the Achievements Scheme, join John Quigley & Barry Burke for a weekend of glider flying hosted by Appin Sport Aeromodeller's Club.
Grab the flyer (.doc, 34KB)
2019 Armidale Sailplane Expo., Jan. 25th - 28th
Join Hutton Oddy and friends for a weekend of Australia's highest thermals. Open Thermal and F5J (final qualifying round for Aus. F5J Team for the World Champs).
Grab the flyer and entry form. Entries close Jan. 18th.
Aus. F3B Team Trial for 2019 World F3B Champs. Valleyfield, Tasmania Jan. 26th/ 27th.
Hosted by Sailplanes and Electric Aeromodellers of Tasmania (SEAT).
Download Bulletin Zero which includes info. on venue, accommodation, weather, competition details and entry form.
More info: John Skinner
2018 F3J World Champs | Romania
Team Australia came 9th from 16 Teams.
Carl Strautins 17th, Nick 26th, Andrew 39th.
Senior Fly-off winner Arijin Hucaljijk (Croatia), and the winner of the Juniors was Jaroslav Vostrel Jr.
See more on Aus. F3J Team Facebook page:
2018 Jerilderie | Results
Open Thermal
1 | Arvanitakis, Theo | AUS | 10979.7 | 100 | 10979.7 |
2 | Chabrel, Nick | AUS | 10975.5 | 99.96 | 10975.5 |
3 | Williams, Peter | NZL | 10968.2 | 99.9 | 10968.2 |
4 | Botherway, Kevin | NZL | 10961.1 | 99.83 | 10961.1 |
5 | Meyer, Andrew | AUS | 10956.5 | 99.79 | 10956.5 |
6 | Houdalakis, Jim | AUS | 10939.4 | 99.63 | 10939.4 |
7 | Todd, Mitch | AUS | 10923.8 | 99.49 | 10923.8 |
8 | Strautins, Carl | AUS | 10901.9 | 99.29 | 10901.9 |
9 | Stent, Marcus | AUS | 10885.4 | 99.14 | 10885.4 |
10 | Warman, Clive | AUS | 10883.6 | 99.12 | 10883.6 |
Open Thermal | Overall Results (.xls)
- Wurts, Joe
- Murphy, Jack
F5J Results (.zip)
F5J Team Trial #2 (.xls)
- Kevin Botherway 4000
- Andrew Meyer 3931
- Clive Warman 3914
Austour 2018 #5
Congratulations to Jim Houdalakis.
March LSF Aus. Newsletter
Including Scale in April | Milang FXJ Report
2018 Milang FXJ International
F3J | Congrats to:
- Joe Wurts
- Kevin Botherway
- Jim Houdalakis
F5J | Congrats to:
- Joe Wurts
- Kevin Botherway
- Andrew Meyer
Austour 2018 F3J Round 2 | Armidale
Round 2 of Austour 2018 is done, Jim Houdalakis leads the pack. Download the Austour results (.pdf)
Congrats Marcus Stent for winning F5J and David Pratley for F3J.
LSF Aus Newsletter Jan/Feb 2018
Milang International, 2018 Jerilderie Schedule, NZ F5J comp (.doc)
LSF Aus Newsletter Jan 2018
This newsletter contains info. on Milang & Armidale events (.pdf)
LSF Aus Newsletter Nov. 2017
Grab the LSF newsletter for soaring results, reports, events and trends :
LSF newsletter (.pdf).
2019 F5J World Champs | Australian Team Selection
LSF Australia, as the MAAA Special Interest Group for RC Soaring was tasked with formulating the team selection process for the 2019 F5J World Championships.
Please click here to read how this multi contest trial will work.
Mike O’Reilly
F5J Trophy | Canberra
Congrats to Marcus Stent winner of the 2nd F5J Trophy event 4th Oct.
Grab the results (.pdf)
2017 Tasmanian Open Thermal Champs | Nov. 18/19th | Results
Two days of glorious Tas. weather on
the "best thermal field in Australia" made for a memorable 16 rounds of Tas. Open Thermal
Congrats to:
Name | Score | Pcnt | Raw Score | Model | |
1 | SKINNER, John | 15376 | 100 | 15376 | Avatar F3B |
2 | SCHILLING, Jan | 15346 | 99.8 | 15346 | Satori V |
3 | LINDNER, Florian | 15132 | 98.41 | 15132 | Fosa F3B |
4 | HOUDALAKIS, Jim | 14784 | 96.15 | 14784 | Pike Perfection/ ET |
5 | MEYER, Andrew | 14618 | 95.07 | 14618 | Pike Perfection |
6 | ADAMS, Chris | 14528 | 94.48 | 14528 | Xplorer 3.5 |
7 | POTTER, Greg | 13469 | 87.6 | 13469 | Pike Perfection |
8 | SEYFANG, Mike | 13178 | 85.7 | 13178 | Xplorer V, Perfection |
9 | THOMAS, Connor | 12367 | 80.43 | 12367 | Pike Perfection |
10 | BURNARD, Rick | 10196 | 66.31 | 10196 | Aspire |
11 | GUNN, Robert | 6534 | 42.49 | 6534 | Aspire |
LSF Aus Newsletter Sept 2017
Grab the LSF newsletter for soaring results, reports, events and trends :
LSF newsletter (.pdf).
2017 F3B World Champs is over
Congrats to Bernhard
Flixeder (Austria, 20yrs) who fought off challengers over the 8 rounds from the best F3B pilots in the
Team Australia finished with a strong 8th place with Tim Kullack winning rounds 6 and 8.
Tim Kullack 12th
John Skinner 28th
Florian Lindner 29th
Mildura 2017 | Open Thermal Comp | Oct. 7th / 8th
In addition to being Round One of Austour 2018, Mildura Open Thermal offers great flying challenges, hospitality and camaraderie. Celebrate Spring in style in Mildura.
Grab the event flyer (.pdf, 600KB)
For further details, contact Darrel Blow
Armidale 2018 | 38th Armidale Sailplane Expo | January 25 to 28, 2018
Grab the event info flyer (.docx, 15KB)
Grab the Entry Form (.xls, 180KB)
Jerilderie 2017 is over
Grab the results (Open Thermal, F5J, F3K, Nostalgia, 40KB zip)
Austour 2017 results ( 400KB .pdf)
Comp. Draw; all categories (1.4MB zip)
2017 Jerilderie Entry Form (200KB MS Word). Entry deadline Fri. June 2nd.
Bulletin #6 | June 4
Bulletin #4 | May 9
Bulletin #3 | April 19
Bulletin #2 | April 11
Bulletin #1 | March 14
F3K Worlds Liv, Ukraine Team Australia F3K July 23-29
Follow the team; Jamie, Marcus, Hugh and Clive (TM) via their Facebook page:
2017 Milang F3J | Results
Congratulations to the F3J placegetters:
- Joe Wurts
- Nick Chabrel
- Kevin Botherway
Congratulations to the F5J placegetters:
- Joe Wurts
- Theo Arvanitakis
- Kevin Botherway
Mike O’Reilly - CD
F3J results (qualifying)
Austour After 4 rounds (pdf)
Armidale Expo, Armidale | Austour Round 3
Hutton Oddy |
Open Thermal had 21 entries. We completed 15 rounds by 12:00 Sunday. Weather was good, and at times
challenging, for the entire event..
1. Clive Warman
2. David Pratley
3. Evan Bengston
Download the event scores (1.9MB .zip)
Results after round 1 ( 182KB .pdf)
Results after Round 2 (190KB .pdf)
Results after Round 3 (260KB .pdf)
Running total ( 34 of 48 pilots shown below) :
Vale Peter Abell
On Wednesday 1st March Peter died
tragically in a swimming accident at Tuckers Rock near Urunga on the north coast of NSW.
He leaves behind his wife, Sue, and four children.
Peter had not been active in aeromodelling lately, but he was a fiercely competitive model glider pilot in the mid 80’s to mid 90’s. Peter had an uncanny ability to find thermals where no-one else could; perhaps his father Bruce’s free flight background helped.
For a number of years Peter flew F3B models that were moulded in Sydney with Phil Bird and Alan Lowe. They were the gun F3B team in Australia at the time. Peter was a team helper with the Australian Team at the 1985 World Championships in Waikerie and then represented Australia at the 1987 F3B World Championships in Achmer, Germany in 1987. Peter shook up the European F3B veterans with his LB6 glider and aggressive flying style and was leading the competition into Round 5. Unfortunately a German summer rain shower caused a model malfunction and Peter’s backup model wasn’t as good. He went on to finish 12th.
Peter was very actively involved in LSF and ran several Jerilderie Tournaments whilst he was part of the LSF executive. He had outstanding competition success as the results below highlight (thanks to Des Bayliss). As a 3 times winner of Jerilderie Peter is in very select company.
1985/86 Nationals F3B 1st Thermal 2nd
1987 6th World F3B Champs 12th
1987/88 Nationals F3B 1st
1989 LSF Tournament 1st
1990 LSF Tournament 7th
1990/91 Nationals F3B 1st
1991 LSF Tournament 34th
1992 LSF Tournament 6th
1992 AUS F3B Champs 9th
1993 LSF Tournament 1st
1993 AUS F3B Champs 1st
1993/94 Nationals F3B 1st Thermal 2nd
1995 LSF Tournament 1st
1995 AUS F3B Champs 1st
1996 EASTER LSF Tournament F3B 3rd to Daryl Perkins 1st and Nic Wright 2nd (both World Champions) Thermal 12th
Professional Career
Peter made a career as a Horticulturist and worked in the Botanic Gardens in Sydney for over 10 years.
Just over a year ago he moved to Bellingen and became a supervisor for the Green Army based in Dorrigo.
As such he managed revegetation and maintenance of the walking paths in Dorrigo National Park and New
England National Park. He visited the 2016 Sailplane Expo last year and renewed acquaintances and spoke
of a return to RC gliding.
We have lost a champion under tragic circumstances and our thoughts and best wishes go out to his family and close friends. Taken way too soon !
Mike O’Reilly
Modelflight Midway Cup | Horsham | Austour Round 2
Congratulations South Australia in winning the 2016 Modelflight Midway Cup.
congrats. to the top three pilots:
- Jamie Nancarrow (Sth. Aus.)
- Tom Dupuche (VIC)
- Andrew Meyer (Sth. Aus.)
Download the event scores (240KB .zip)
Austour Results after Round 2 (190KB .pdf)
F3K World Championship Selection Trials | 14th and 15th January 2017
The F3K World Championship Selection Trials for the Australian F3K Team, 14th and 15th January 2017 at Salt Ash NSW, North of Sydney.
Contact Jamie Cannon for more details. Entries accepted on the day, but preferably before December 15th. Entry fee $50.
World GPS Triangle Racing | Germany Aug. 2017
Joe Rufenacht is looking to organise a team from Australia to
compete in the 4th World Masters GPS Triangle
event in Germany in August 2017.
If you are interested please contact Joe at
Austour 2017
Dear Thermal Glider Pilot, LSF Australia, at the request of several groups and individuals has decided to create a National Thermal League much like Eurotour. We think it is a great idea as it may encourage more people to travel to more comps and will help to promote all of the participating events.
The following 2+ day competitions will make up AUSTOUR 2017
- Wentworth Mildura NSW, Oct 2016
- Victorian State Championships, Horsham, Vic, Dec 2016
- Armidale Expo, Armidale, NSW, Jan 2017
- Milang F3J, SA, Mar 2017
- LSF Tournament, Jerilderie, NSW, Jun 2017
The best 3 results will be used to determine the overall results, with winners being announced at the
end of the Jerilderie competition.
LSF Aus. to administer the scores/results. Scores will be determined at the end of each contest with the
winner scoring 100 points and all other competitors a percentage of the winners score based on their
final score. Any other suitable contests can be added in the following year/s after representation to
LSF. Any existing Austour event where the number of entries falls below 20 may be dropped from the
following years Tour.
Regards, Mike O’Reilly LSF Australia President
AUSTOUR 2017 | Round One | Wentworth
Congratulations to Tom
Dupuche for picking up his first major comp. win and the first event of Austour 2017.
Report with photos from Terry Dunn: Gerry Carter on RCGA
Download a .zip of the results (190KB)
AUSTOUR is flown to Aus. Open Thermal Rules.
Modelflight Midway Cup | Dec 3rd, 4th 2016
Start your planning now to be in Horsham over the weekend of 3rd and 4th of
December. This is a combined event incorporating the Model Flight Midway Cup, an open thermal event
sponsored by Model Flight, and the Victorian State Thermal Championships.
Download the flyer for details (.pdf)
37th Armidale Sailplane Expo January 26 - 29, 2017
England Model Aircraft Club and the Sailplane Expo Trust invite you to beautiful Armidale on the New
England Tablelands for the 37th Sailplane Expo.
F3J World Champs | Vipava, Western Slovenia
Congrats to Team F3J Australia | 9th Overall
- 23 Matt Lowe
- 28 Carl Strautins
- 51 Theo Arvanitakis
Also congrats to Dave Pratley for Australia's top placing in the Slovenia Cup pre-World's comp.
Senior Fly-Off Results
- Arijan HUCALJUK | Croatia
- Jan LITTVA | Slovakia
- Dominik PRESTELE | Germany
Facebook Coverage:
- F3J Australia
- F3J Japan
- F3J France
- Official Event
- F3J Germany
- F3J New Zealand
- Brandon Beardsley US Junior
- TeamUSA | Gordon Buckland (ex-pat)
Jerilderie 2016 is over! Congratulations to:
- Carl Strautins Aus
- Kevin Botherway NZ
- Joe Wurts NZ
- Joe Wurts NZ
- Kevin Botherway NZ
- Dave Griffin NZ
- Jamie Cannon Aus
- Peter Williams NZ
- Joe Wurts NZ
Download the scores here: F3J (.zip), F5J (.zip) F3K (.zip)
2016 F3J World Championships | Vipava, Slovenia | July/August
Official website with event details and
F5J at the MAAA Nationals
The National Electric Flight Rally as part of the MAAA Nationals at Easter will feature F5J. For more
info. on this rapidly expanding category of competition soaring and details on the event, check out the
Aus. Electric Flight Assn. website.
2016 Open F3J International | Milang, South Australia over! Congratulations to :
- Joe Wurts
- Mike O'Reilly
- Theo Avanitakis
Download the scores Overall Fly-Offs and Qualifying Rounds (.xls)
2016 WA F3B Open & Aus. F3B Team Trials for the 2017 World Champs.
Sat. 23rd April to Mon. 25th April.
Soaring WA with the support of the MAAA, will once again be hosting the Australian F3B Team Selection Trials for the 2017 World Champs. and the 2016 WA F3B Open.
Entry Form and details (2.7MB MSWord) or .pdf (412KB)
Lock it in to your calendars and hope to see you all at Green Acres for a great weekend of F3B action.
Nigel Molyneux S.W.A Gliding rep. and Events Co-ordinator
The Modelflight Midway Cup / Victorian State Thermal Champs is over.
Congrats to :
1st Nick Chabrel (SA) – 11987
2nd Marcus Stent (VIC) – 11952
3rd Bernie Sizer (VIC) – 11816
Report, results and Photos at RCGA courtesy Tom. Dupuche
Levels Activity
Congrats to Bill Gibson, Ron Sterret and Brian Lewis all from NSW for
achieving Level One status.
2015 Mildura Open Thermal Comp. | 10th & 11th Oct.
Is over for another year, congrats to:
- Mike O'Reilly
- Carl Strautins
- Tom Depuche
Download results (.zip)
Scores and report on RCGA.
2015 F3B World Champs | Report Tim Kullack
Grab the report here (.pdf, 220KB)
Moreton Region Sports Soaring Association
See opposite for coming events. More
details on their website.
Historical Documents
Australia has a proud history of
competing in FAI World Championships across most glider disciplines and Des Bayliss has compiled a
document that features details such as podium places, names and photos of Australian teams from all
World Champ. events since 1977 (F3B).
AusTeamsWorldChamps (4MB .pdf)
Des Bayliss (LSF Aus. Archivist) has also updated the living historical document that describes in detail the genesis of the Australian chapter of the LSF.
The latest version includes Jerilderie 2015 results. Browse through the .pdf (20MB) for an insight into how our LSF Aus came about and the people that made (and make) it happen. Includes score summaries for all events from 1979.
2015 Jerilderie is over, congratulations to
- 1st Joe Wurts
- 2nd Carl Strautins
- 3rd Matt Lowe
- 1st Brian Ford
- 2nd Hugh Blackburn
- 3rd Bjorn Rudgley
- 1st Clive Warman
- 2nd Simon Hafner
- 3rd Michael Taylor
- 1st Joe Wurts
- 2nd Marcus Stent
- 3rd Kevin Botherway
- Carl Strautins
- Matt Lowe
- Theo Arvanitakis
Download the Open Thermal scores here (.zip 550KB of .pdfs)
Download F3K scores here (.zip 45KB of .pdfs)
35th Armidale Sailplane Expo. is over!
Open Thermal | Congrats to:
- Thomas Cooke | Xplorer 3 | 12957 pts
- Karl Knack | Xplorer 2 | 12902 pts
- Carl Strautins | Pike Perfection | 12751 pts
F5J | Congrats to:
- Dave Pratley | 12274
- Colin Woodward | 10019
- Paul Gibson | 9547
Scores | Open Thermal | F5J
Report | Hutton
Oddy (.pdf)
Report | Brian Ford in RCGroups MRSSA thread:
Photos :
Flightline footage from the event courtesy of Brian Ford:
Soaring WA - 2015 Events Calendar & Events Reminder
For the latest calendar of events for pilots in WA, check out the Soaring WA RCGroups forum. Thanks Nigel Molyneux.

Get your entry in for the Open F3J International | 7-8th March 2015.
Milang, South Australia.
Grab an entry form (.pdf,
Entries close Friday 27th Feb.
Tas State Champs are over after two days
of outstanding conditions in the middle of Tas. Congrats to :
- Chris Adams | Xplorer 3.5
- John Skinner | Fosa Lift
- Stephen Boag | Supra Pro
Grab the scores here (.zip)
F3K Australian Team Trials | 31 Jan /1 Feb 2015
MAAA Approved Team Trials to select the Australian team for the next F3K World Champs. Location Diggers Rest, Victoria, CD Marcus Stent. Flown to current F3K rules, with no flyoff.
Details : Marcus or 0419 690 451
2014 Mildura Open
Thermal | Oct. 25/26
Congrats to :
- Carl Strautins | Pike Perfection
- David Hobby | Pike Perfection
- Mike O'Reilly | Pike Perfection
Grab the scores here (.zip)
Australian Team finish a solid 4th at
2014 F3J Worlds Champs
Congrats to the Australian F3J Team of Dave Hobby, Nic Chabrel and Carl Strautins, Team Manager Jack Murphy and assistants.
For details and reports go here 2014 F3J World Champs (link to RCGroups F3J World Champs thread)
Fly-Off Teams results (link to .pdf)
Fly-Off Pilots results (link to .pdf)
2014 June-July Edition of Wingspan (Soaring WA) is out ( .pdf, 2MB)
Lots of
scale, thermal, hlg and models for sale in this edition.
Thanks Nigel Molyneux.
2014 Jerilderie is OverOpen Thermal :
Rank | Name |
1 | Strautins, Carl |
2 | Lowe, Matt |
3 | Todd, Mitch |
4 | Sizer, Bernie |
5 | Knack, Karl |
6 | Stent, Marcus |
7 | Houdalakis, Jim |
8 | O'Reilly, Michael |
9 | Hobby, David |
10 | Keep, Steve |
Download the Overall, Landing and Team Scores (250KB .zip)
Flight Scores by Group (230KB, .pdf)
F3K | HLG :
Rank | Name |
1 | Blackburn, Hugh |
2 | Stent, Marcus |
3 | Pratley, David |
4 | Lennon, Tim |
5 | Fraser, Neil |
Download the HLG scores (100KB .zip)
Re-live the moment with 10mins of launching and landing footage from the event:
MAAA | Wingspan
In addition to their new website, the MAAA are
publishing a quarterly digital magazine to better connect with aeromodellers Australia-wide.
Not to be confused with "Wingspan" from Soaring Western Australia, the new publication covers newsworthy articles concerning the MAAA and pilots around Australia across all disciplines.
"Bumper" Edition April / May of "Wingspan" is now available
via the WA Multi-Task Gliding RCGroups thread |
Thanks Nigel Molyneux.
2013 | 34th
Armidale Sailplane Expo
Open Thermal
1st Karl Knack
2nd Dave Pratley
3rd Gerry Carter
1st Dave Pratley
2nd Andrew Simpson
3rd Hutton Oddy
1st Gerry Carter
2nd Clive Warman
3rd Andrew Simpson
Photos and forum discussion (RCGroups)
2014 Australian
F3F Team Trial | Chook Cup Challenge | Bay of Isles Cup
Report Nigel Molyneux (.pdf 2MB)
Final results for the Australian Team Trials:
1st Tim Kullack Freestyler4 15850 pts
2nd Paul Marshall Pitbull 15121 pts
3rd Simon Watts Pitbull 14927 pts
4th Don Tester Pitbull 14392 pts
Jeremy Stratton Cyril 14176 pts
6th Gary Adams Fosa Lift 14165pts
7th Andrew Muller Predator 13399 pts
8th Chris Barrenger Coracho 13118 pts
9th Jarrah Kilgour Victor 13029 pts
10th Brian Mitchell Willow 13022 pts
11th Campbell Kilgour Cobra 10712 pts
Revised LSF Aus Constitution approved by Victorian Consumer Affairs replaces the previous 1984 version | 2013LSFAusConstitution.pdf (540KB)
2013 Tasmanian State Open Thermal Champs. Results from 16/17th Nov.
- Florian Lindner (Tas | Fosa Lift )
- John Skinner (Tas | Fosa Lift )
- Greg Potter (SA | Pike Perfection )
Download the Overall,
Landing, By-Round and Flight Scores (.zip, 5KB)
Stay abreast of what's happening in
Western Australia with Wingspan. 2013 November Edition (1MB
Edited by Soaring WA Rep. Nigel Molyneux.
2013 is over (Oct 19/20)
Congrats to:
- Carl Strautins
- Jim Houdalakis
- Alan Mayhew
For event photos par excellence, see
Download the results (5KB .zip)
Report to follow.
Victoria RCGA F3B Round
One, report Marcus Stent on the RCGA
- 1st Gerry Carter 10,029
- 2nd Marcus Stent 10,028
- 3rd David Pratley 9,655
Notice of Special General Meeting to be held via Conference Call on 9 October 7:30pm. For details on how to participate, see the following :
- Notice of Special General Meeting (.docx, 300KB)
- SAGM Revised Proxy Form (.doc, 31KB)
- SAGM Revised Proxy Form (.pdf, 82KB)
Soaring Western Australia (SWA)
Stay up to date with the Wingspan newsletter from W.A. courtesy Nigel Molyneux.
Second Edition on WA RCGroups thread.
Grab the first edition here Wingspan 1.7MB .pdf.
K.A.M.S. Glider Rally | W.A.
Report (.pdf 800KB) | Thanks Nigel Molyneux
LSF Australia Change to Constitution:
- Existing Constitution (.pdf 9MB)
- Proposed Constitution (.doc 350KB)
- Special Resolution Notice (indicating reasons for change | .doc 40KB)
Aug. 2013 | MAAA Rules Committee approves new Open Thermal Rules. Check out the new MAAA website.
2013 World F3B
Championships is Over.
Congratulations to the Australian Team for a strong
6th Team placing in the backyard of F3B.
Team Manager report on our F3B page | Tim Kullack
Report with photos | Nigel Molyneaux | 8MB .pdf
Overall Placings:
1st Andreas Herrig (Ger.)
2nd Martin Herrig (Ger.)
3rd Thomas Dylla ...(Ger.)
9th John Skinner
23rd Carl Strautins
25th Mike Rae
Tim Kullack (Team Manager)
Florian & Hans Lindner (Helpers)
DVD compilation of the entire 5-day event available from the organisers, contact : Reinhard Dylla
Keep up to date with International Gliding events with the FAI | CIAM events page.
Western Australia | 2013
Bastille Cup R1 F3F Report
Nigel Molyneux
(.pdf, 1.3MB)
Stay abreast of what's happening in Victoria from the Radio Controlled Glider Association RCGA
2013 WA F3B Open April
Report | Nigel Molyneux
Congratulations to :
- Tim Kullack
- Chris Barrenger
- Les Stockley
Grab the report in PDF format (900KB) here.
Normanby Wines RC
Soaring Challenge
Add another competition event to your calendar; Moreton Region Sports Soaring Association
(MRSSA) would love to see you 18/19th May for a thermal duration comp.
Event Details here (.pdf, 260KB)
For more details, contact Brian Ford 0409 747 737 or
2013 Milang F3J International is over!
Congratulations to
- David Hobby
- Nick Chabrel
- Mike O'Reilly
Download the results Qualifying and Fly-Off (.xls, 25KB)
Grab the latest results from the SSL Facebook page.
The WA Glider Scene
WA glider pilots have set-up
a thread on RC Groups for anyone interested in F3B / F3J / F3F out west.
Lots of info and banter as well as a calendar of events. The F3F scene is particularly active over
2013 Nats | 33rd Armidale Expo Results and Report | Alan Lowe on
the Nats page (link)
2012 F3J World Champs | Australian Facebook Page
Show your
support for Team Australia F3J at the 2012 World Champs in South Africa. 6-10th Aug.
Bookmark their Facebook page to stay up-to-date with
Carl, David, Mike and Roo.
Jerilderie Open Thermal
Winners List | 1978 to 2011
Robert Gunn compiled this list of winners of the Jerilderie Open Thermal including Spot Landing and
lately DLG & Perfect Flight events. Grab the .pdf (68KB)
2012 Milang F3B International is over.
- Jeroen Smits
- John Skinner
- Mike Rae
Download overall results (23KB, .xls)
Download flight scores (52KB, .xls)
Hero shots courtesy Terry
@ Dunn Photographics
Hi-def versions available, see Terry for details & pricing.
Read an event report and detailed results from Gerry Carter on RCGA
Check out some of Greg W's footage from the event (thanks Greg) :
New World Speed Record
for Dynamic Soaring:
498mph = 801 Km/h
The fastest model aeroplanes are gliders!
Get your Scale Glider
If your glider tastes include big scale ships, Silentflight is Australia's best resource for all things scale and big. Head on
over for the latest events, tips, reviews and links.
The JR Aerotow
Australia is over.
Reports and pics of some of the finest scale gliders around are on; JR Aerotow
Facebook page, Scale Soaring and RC
Jerilderie from the air; excellent footage shot during the Jerilderie JR Scale Aerotow held Easter 2011:
International DS Week April 2011 Report
Follow Andrew, Sean & Anton's (QLD) pilgramge to the US to fly at the best Dynamic Soaring sites and meet the
fastest RC pilots in the world.
31st Armidale Sailplane Expo. 2011 is over.
Results, report & photos (thanks Brian Ford, 416KB .pdf).
64th MAAA Nats is over.
Open Thermal:
1st B.Ford
2nd E.Smith
Results, report & photos (thanks Brian Ford, 323KB .pdf).
Joe Wurts explains F3J Gliders.
Video courtesy AIRSPORTS
SoaringNZ is home to a vibrant New Zealand soaring community. Say hello to our friends across the Tasman Sea.
LSF member Gerry Carter has developed GliderScore software. If you're running a comp. for F3J/ F3B/ F3F
or F3K then this is the best. GliderScore runs under XP or W7, grab the latest version from (including user guide). Free
to use but donations welcome to fund hosting / cheese snacks.
F3J World Champs 2010 video footage on YouTube
Strategies for flying in dead air.

Read the article by John Skinner (AUS F3B Rep. 2007) in Ian Roach's On Silent Wings column in Airborne Magazine #224 (Feb 2009)